St Nicks


Worship is at the heart of everything we do here at St Nicks. One of the ways we love to express our adoration to God is by engaging our hearts, minds and souls in an outward expression of worship through song.


Worship at St Nicks

Our times of sung worship are just one way we get to outwardly express and celebrate our love for God. We gather in sung worship on Sundays, at Hubs, worship & prayer nights and other meetings throughout the week. Prayer is also a key element to our expression of worship and we gather regularly to pray at First Tuesday Prayer and at our termly Kingdom Come worship evenings. To find our more about prayer head here.

Whether you are new to all this or a keen worshipper we would love to welcome you to join in and get involved with the worship life here at St Nicks.

Jesus said to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”

Matthew 22:37

Songs we sing

The songs we sing are so important, they enable us to express our adoration to God. Check out the songs we are currently singing.

Music from St Nicks

“Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth.” Psalm 96

We are also so excited to be writing and recording our own songs in-house for our worshipping community.

Worship & Creative team

Worship is at the heart of everything we do here at St Nicks. If you are a skilled musician, sound engineer, videographer, photographer or have any other skills with a passion to serve the church, then we would love to hear from you. Register your details below and we'll be in touch.

worship & creative team

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Worship & prayer events